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Practical applications of NFC technology in the industry

NFC technology has proven to be incredibly versatile, finding a wide range of applications in various industries. From manufacturing to retail, and in areas of security and access, NFC is reshaping the way we work and live.

NFC in the manufacturing industry

The manufacturing industry is a space where NFC has demonstrated considerable value. Here, this technology can improve efficiency, accuracy, and security in the supply chain.

For example, NFC tags can be integrated into products and components to allow for precise tracking throughout the entire supply chain. A simple tap with an NFC reader can provide detailed information about the product’s location, time in inventory, or production status. This reduces the need for manual tracking, minimizes errors, and improves operational efficiency.

In addition, NFC tags can be used for asset maintenance and management. A technician can scan the tag on a piece of machinery to access its maintenance history, instruction manuals, specifications, and other essential data, facilitating maintenance and repair operations.

NFC in retail

NFC is also revolutionizing retail, providing a richer and more personalized shopping experience for customers. The most well-known implementation is probably in mobile payments, where customers can make a purchase simply by tapping their smartphone to a payment terminal.

But the possibilities go beyond that. NFC tags can be incorporated into store shelves or products themselves, allowing customers to access additional information, product reviews, demonstration videos, and special offers simply by scanning the tag with their phones.

In addition, retailers can use NFC to collect valuable data about customer preferences and behavior, allowing them to offer a more personalized shopping experience and improve their marketing strategies.

allowing them to offer a more personalized shopping experience and improve their marketing strategies.

Innovations in security and access with NFC

NFC is also proving to be a valuable tool in improving security and access control. In businesses and security facilities, NFC identification cards can replace physical keys, allowing access to restricted areas with a simple card tap.

Furthermore, NFC technology allows for precise tracking of who has accessed which areas and when, improving security and accountability.

Uses of NFC technology

This technology has the advantage of being fast and easy to set up in completely different areas, among which are:

  • NFC identification: with NFC technology we can identify objects, people, or anything else we need.
  • Data transfer: it is one of the fastest and most agile forms of connectivity and data transfer between devices.
  • Mobile payments: If you pay using your mobile phone, you don’t even need to use your bank card anymore, as the smartphone replaces it. It stores banking data in apps installed on mobile phones and creates a virtual image of the physical card to pay with NFC from the smartphone. The procedure is the same as with a card, just bring the device close to the corresponding POS and the communication will be established.
  • Purchase of digital support tickets: Although it may not be a well-known option, its use is increasing every moment. The typical paper ticket for the cinema, a concert, or a museum is used less and less. Now we have the option of using electronic tickets that are read with NFC. Unifying the entire sales process in NFC technology could be the ideal solution for ticket sales companies.
  • Access control: To use NFC in access control, a compatible device is needed, and it must be configured together with the access system. Install NFC readers at desired entrances, associate devices with specific users, and test the system. In addition, some systems may include records and alerts for unauthorized access.
  • Two-factor authentication: This is another application that has a lot of future for NFC, being a security element to receive access permission to a computer or certain web applications. The usual procedure is to enter the password and at the same time place the configured NFC device near the enabled sensor. Thus, the system would recognize them and enable access to the user.
  • Device synchronization: With NFC technology, we can synchronize several devices such as speakers easily, simply by bringing both devices close to each other.
  • Automation of actions: We can configure NFC tags so that different devices perform a series of actions when they are read, such as connecting to a wifi network, activating one mode or another of the device, etc.


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